Trails Club of Rossmoor Guest Waiver Form. Trails Club of Rossmoor 1001 Golden Rain Road Walnut Creek, CA 94595. Trails Club of Rossmoor 1001 Golden Rain Road Walnut Creek, CA 94595. Contact Us. Remember me. There is a park entrance fee of $10, and parking. Trails Club members have enjoyed outdoor activities on Mount Hood, in the Columbia Gorge, and many other Pacific. Health and Safety Guidelines. Home. comAbout Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new features Press Copyright Contact us Creators. Remember me. Trails Club of Rossmoor 1001 Golden Rain Road Walnut Creek, CA 94595. Trails Club of Rossmoor 1001 Golden Rain Road Walnut Creek, CA 94595. Log in. Meeting at the corner of Tice Creek Drive and Avenida Sevilla, the first Club hike took place in. Use any trail route within the EB Regional Parks to complete the Challenge. Powered by. 6:00 PM - 8:30 PM. Trails Club of Rossmoor 1001 Golden Rain Road Walnut Creek, CA 94595. Last message. 2 miles to a gate marking an East Bay Regional Parks District trail. Forgot passwordLog in with Facebook Log in with Google. July 20. Please respect driver requests pertaining to eating, drinking, wearing muddy shoes or masking while in their car. Tuesday, October 25, 2022. May 10. Is this your nonprofit? Access the Nonprofit Portal to submit data and download your rating toolkit. Trails Club of Rossmoor 1001 Golden Rain Road Walnut Creek, CA 94595. Contact Us. Show oldest replies on top. Remember me. Open Board Positions for 2024 (Vice. Forgot passwordLog in with Facebook Log in with Google. Powered by Wild Apricot Membership Software. Forgot passwordWarning: browser cookies disabled. November 8. Trails Club of Rossmoor 1001 Golden Rain Road Walnut Creek, CA 94595. March 16. We invite the public to hike in and join us. There are countless ways to contribute to the Club in addition to leading hikes - although that is always our #1 need. t he Trai l s Cl ub of Rossmoor; and hereby agrees t o rel ease, i ndemni f y and hol d harml ess al l off i cers and members of sai d Cl. Forgot password. Powered by. Forgot passwordLocation: *Best Western Aristocrat Hotel, Half Moon Bay, CA* Registered attendees (47)Log in with Facebook Log in with Google. Contact Us. August 22. Remember me. 3330 Terra Granada Dr Apt 4c. July 21, 2022Log in with Facebook Log in with Google. Club Photo Collections. Menu. Contact Us. Remember me. Contact Us. Remember me. Call her at 201-563-6019 to make arrangements in advance of any hike. Forgot passwordLog in with Facebook Log in with Google. Home; 2023 Cambria Safari; Details to date: • A deposit has been made at the Cambria Pines Lodge to reserve a block of (20) rooms in a variety of sizes at a reduced rate. Forgot passwordPotluck, Picnic & Ice Cream Social - click here to Sign Up August 23, 2022 5:30 PM - 9:00 PMLog in with Facebook Log in with Google. Trails Club of Rossmoor 1001 Golden Rain Road Walnut Creek, CA 94595. D. 7:00 – 8:30 Buffet Dinner, Catered by ENGLUND’S. Remember me. If reserved rooms are gone, members can reserve at the full rate and attend the Safari. Contact Us. The purpose of this organization is to provide information and leadership for Rossmoor residents interested in hiking. March 8. Powered by. Two-way radios are available. Contact Us. Harriet Schwartz has them ready for use. Remember me. Subscribe to forum Topic. If at any point I have health concerns I know to consult with my doctor prior to participating. But it was the Trails Club of Rossmoor that transformed those trails into the ten-mile system it is today. Trails Club of Rossmoor Guest Waiver Form. Payment can be Offline with a check mailed to Shirley Wiegand. March 16, 2023We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. Remember me. Hikers can choose to take their own medication. Make Welcome Calls to new members to explain how the club works, equipment needed, how to use the website, etc. Remember me. Forgot passwordLog in with Facebook Log in with Google. I am aware that the activities of the Club may be hazardous. Bringing a cell phone on the hike is recommended. Rossmoor has eight tennis courts, two on Rossmoor Parkway and six in the lovely setting of Buckeye Grove at the south end of the valley on the golf course. Remember me. Contact Us. When Mary Rogers Smith founded the Trails Club in 1968, the newly organized hikers were happy to enjoy the equestrian trails already in place. Trails Club of Rossmoor. Forms. Contact Us. Home. Home; Potluck, Picnic & Ice Cream Social - click here to Sign Up; Back. Ron Ucovitch (a former Sierra Club leader) leads hikes on most Thursdays. Forgot passwordPotluck, Picnic & Ice Cream Social - click here to Sign Up August 23, 2022 5:30 PM - 9:00 PMLocation: Event Center: Tahoe & Donner Rooms Registered attendees (73)The trail is uneven in spots. Forgot passwordLog in with Facebook Log in with Google. Remember me. Encourage club members who have never led a hike or who still need assistance in leading a hike, to sign up for a hike they want to lead on the Hike Calendar and offer the hiking group mentors for assistance if desired. Location. Coordinate the efforts of The Trail Dogs and Trails Club Members in the rehabilitation of old trails within Rossmoor. PROOF OF AFFILIATION . 68-0043616. Calories: 800-1000. A variety of room sizes are being held (which can come out to less than $100 per night plus tax depending on room type and how many people you. Please join Trails Club leaders at 7:00 p. Menu. business card | membership card | company email signature | pay stub | original email | other form of affiliation . Contact Us. All Club members are invited to attend. Contact Us. Conducts all Board meetings using Roberts Rules of Order; Prepares a meeting agenda to ensure that meetings are run efficiently and productively. Remember me. Trails Club of Rossmoor 1001 Golden Rain Road Walnut Creek, CA 94595. Club Photo Collections. Forgot passwordLog in with Facebook Log in with Google. Oversee the distribution of TC Directories to those members who request them. Remember me. Forgot passwordLog in with Facebook Log in with Google. Forgot passwordWarning: browser cookies disabled. Remember me. PHOTO I. Mandatory Waiver. Forgot passwordAllTrails hikes near Camp Concord . Trails Club of Rossmoor 1001 Golden Rain Road Walnut Creek, CA 94595. Hiking. Remember me. Contact Us. Last Day to Register On Line or By Mail is November 30th! $38 per person (member or guest) To reserve a table, please Register names of all guests. Remember me. Trails and Hiking. YEAR ROUND ACCESS . Menu. Please enable them to use this website. Remember me. Log in with Facebook Log in with Google. Remember me. Log in with Facebook Log in with Google. Trails and Hiking Rossmoor has a great trail system for all levels and the Trails Club offers a variety of hikes every Wednesday and Saturday, and a walk around the golf on Mondays. Join the Club. Getting to the trail is more challenging than the trail itself. Contact Us. Please enable them to use this website. Warning: browser cookies disabled. Trails Club of Rossmoor 1001 Golden Rain Road Walnut Creek, CA 94595. Contact Us. Monday: Tuesday: Wednesday: Thursday: Friday: Saturday: Sunday: 26: 27Log in with Facebook Log in with Google. Handbook. Remember me. Please enable them to use this website. Only Board members have. Contact Us. Daily schedule details are on RS website. 6:00 – 7:00 Assorted Appetizers, Party Cocktail, Soft Drinks. Remember me. 5:30 PM - 9:00 PM. Club Name TRAILS CLUB - 173 Customer Type Rossmoor Clubs Club Address 3316 Tice Creek #8 Walnut Creek, C A 94595 Agent Name ELLIOT BARENBAUM Home Phone Number (415) 816-6644 Cell Phone Number (415) 816-6644 System User LILY PADILLA Contract Rental Fee $0. Forgot passwordThe trail is uneven in spots. Potluck, Picnic & Ice Cream Social - click here to Sign Up August 23, 2022 5:30 PM - 9:00 PMLog in with Facebook Log in with Google. Contact Us. Club Photo Collections. Follow the road to the right for 0. Home; 2023 Quarterly Captains; 2023 Quarterly Captains Group Jan - Mar Apr - June July - Sep Oct - Dec; Amblers: Ros Carol: Betsy Muller :. Wanda in Martinez and Benicia 59 All the hikes in Waterfront 66 4The Trails Club of Oregon is an enthusiastic Group dedicated to enjoying and preserving the great outdoors. Remember me. Recently, six Trails Club members hiked the entire Rossmoor Trail loop, beginning and ending at the Gateway Clubhouse. Contact Us. Pumpkin and Potluck Dinner with Slideshow. Forgot passwordPotluck, Picnic & Ice Cream Social - click here to Sign Up August 23, 2022 5:30 PM - 9:00 PMLog in with Facebook Log in with Google. Remember me. Forgot passwordA trail opening ceremony will take place on the property at the Knobcone Point gate near Balancing Rock at 11:00 AM on March 29, weather permitting. 00Log in with Facebook Log in with Google. Forgot passwordLog in with Facebook Log in with Google. Events. Hiking. Trails Club of Rossmoor 1001 Golden Rain Road Walnut Creek, CA 94595. Forgot passwordLog in with Facebook Log in with Google. Special price for members Regular ticket – $100. Main address. Rossmoor has a great trail system for all levels and the Trails Club offers a variety of hikes every Wednesday. There are various degrees of difficulty and most people who would like to hike will. Hiking. Trails Club of Rossmoor 1001 Golden Rain Road Walnut Creek, CA 94595. THIS INVITATION . Scheduled Board Meetings are held bi-monthly on the 2nd Wednesday at 4:00 in the Club Room at Creekside. Forgot passwordWarning: browser cookies disabled. Events. Forgot passwordLog in with Facebook Log in with Google. Club Budget. Trails Club of Rossmoor 1001 Golden Rain Road Walnut Creek, CA 94595. Club Room, Creekside ClubhouseClub Budget. Activities shall include hiking in groups with similar rates of speed and endurance, safaris, and social activities to promote club fellowship. October 16 - 20. File appropriate forms annually with the IRS by February 15 th. Assist members without computer access with the typing, formatting, scanning and other technical issues needed to post information for club members. Coordinate the efforts of The Trail Dogs and Trails Club Members in the rehabilitation of old trails within Rossmoor. Click on any of the links below and volunteer today - it's fun and you'll be glad you did it. Forgot passwordLog in with Facebook Log in with Google. Remember me. Trails Club of Rossmoor 1001 Golden Rain Road Walnut Creek, CA 94595. All members of all Trails Club are invited to congregate around 1:00 at the Dollar Clubhouse on December 28 to eat their lunches and share some holiday cheer (egg nog, sparking cider and snacks) - even if you don't hike that day!. Lowe brand size 13 boots free, barely used. Remember me. 2 miles to a gate marking an East Bay Regional Parks District trail. Follow the road to the right for 0. Forgot passwordLog in with Facebook Log in with Google. Potluck, Picnic & Ice Cream Social - click here to Sign Up August 23, 2022 5:30 PM - 9:00 PMLog in with Facebook Log in with Google.